Quelques nouvelles du front sur le développement de darktable !
Le support pour le Pentax K-70 devrait être disponible dans les prochaines versions: https://github.com/darktable-org/darktable/pull/1312#discussion_r83555944
Si vous faites parti des quelques utilisateurs d’appareils Nikon qui se plaignent que darktable ne reconnaisse plus correctement les fichiers RAW issus de ces appareils et bien sachez qu’il y a eu hier et aujourd’hui un tas de commits surement en rapport avec ce problème.
[Nikon P6000: reenable camera support, fixes #11227](https://github.com/darktable-org/darktable/commit/8d32e613babdf0783d3d7771a92bb70ca1b25941 “Nikon P6000: reenable camera support, fixes #11227
Uncompressed 12 Bit is the only mode of this camera according to user manual.")[Nikon E5400: reenable camera support after check, fixes #11228](https://github.com/darktable-org/darktable/commit/85d9cd9e02bebe0a012396ccf8ef7642af0fa915 “Nikon E5400: reenable camera support after check, fixes #11228
User manual mentions only uncompressed TIFF, no option to switch to 14Bit or compressed mode. Also there is a NEF sample file on rawsamples.ch.")[Nikon E5700: reenable camera support after check, fixes #11229](https://github.com/darktable-org/darktable/commit/8b31ccb2d2f21a14ac5c0d2e9e198e8ecc18e7f7 “Nikon E5700: reenable camera support after check, fixes #11229
User manual: {{{ Uncompressed: NEF (RAW-quality images), and TIFF-RGB (HI-quality images) }}}")[Nikon Df: reenable camera support for 14Bit, #11231 (incomplete)](https://github.com/darktable-org/darktable/commit/d555af2de931a395eb61b3f1b515ce15aa32b37b “Nikon Df: reenable camera support for 14Bit, #11231 (incomplete)
12 Bit samples are missing.")Nikon D3s: reenable camera support for 12Bit, #11232 (incomplete)
[Nikon D100: reenable camera support after check, fixes #11238](https://github.com/darktable-org/darktable/commit/7cd030b3477b50fbd3474c01b80171db96785e1c “Nikon D100: reenable camera support after check, fixes #11238
12Bit mode is the only mode. Only 12Bit compressed samples were availible but up to now compressed and umcpmressed hat always the same black and white levels, so reenable both.")[Nikon D1H: Reenable camera support after check, fixes #11239](https://github.com/darktable-org/darktable/commit/1b8006ee17cf5cf0b5f14aa421ca30552a302ff9 “Nikon D1H: Reenable camera support after check, fixes #11239
Only 12 Bit compressed and uncompressed mode is availiable.")[Nikon D5: reenable camera support after check, fixes #11236](https://github.com/darktable-org/darktable/commit/9790fe937f5841bedefd39c923df636dc94fd645 “Nikon D5: reenable camera support after check, fixes #11236
Samples in ticket are all black, for D5_Uncompressed_12bit.NEF i get a warning: {{{[rawspeed] (D5_Uncompressed_12bit.NEF) Skipped out of buffer }}}Samples from http://www.photographyblog.com/reviews/nikon_d5_review/sample_images/ are ok.")Voilà pour les dernières news :)